
Passion for Leadership Growth

Lismullin Leadership Programme

October 2024 – April 2025

Your company’s future depends to a large extent on its high potential.

This certificate course was started originally in 2006 by a group of business people from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The overall aim was to help business people develop their leadership talents to the full, with a particular focus on professional integrity and ethics, and to help create a network to provide mutual support in the context of business development.

A company’s future depends to a large extent on its high potentials. This course is designed to help them move from technical roles to leadership positions.

Main emphasis


Brief videos with some who attended the 2022-23 programme


New ways of thinking, acting, believing and becoming

Self Leadership

Leading one-on-one

Leading Teams

· Finding your purpose, your why
· What does success look like for you?
· Managing your emotions
· Reaching out to others

· Truly valuing people
· The power of example
· Inspiring others
· Handling difficult conversations

· Creating alignment
· Fostering engagement
· Forging accountability
· Building cohesion


Leadership Challenges: participants present a specific business problem and strive to address it with the input and support of peers and the professor.

Peer Coaching: The benefits of small-group coaching come from powerful learning interactions among leaders from different companies who are roughly equal in experience and position, and the process can generate leadership development impacts that exceed what’s possible in one-on-one coaching.

About this Programme

Module Dates

This programme consist of 6 full-day modules (09:00 to 17:00) in Lismullin Conference Centre.

  • Friday 25th October 2024
  • Friday 22nd November 2024
  • Friday 17th January 2025
  • Friday 21st February 2025
  • Friday 21st March 2025
  • Friday 11th April 2025

It concludes with a Family Day on Saturday 7 June 2025.

Download the brochure to find out more

Fátima Carioca

Fátima Carioca is Dean of AESE Business School in Lisbon, an associate school of IESE. She is Professor of People Management in Organisations and an executive coach.

Following a degree in Electrotechnical Engineering and an MSc in Systems and Computer Engineering at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, she gained a PhD in Management from Manchester Business School.

She also has a Masters in Marriage and Family from the University of Navarre. Co-founder of Edisoft, a software development company, she is married with three children.


José Fonseca Pires is Head of the Department of People Management at AESE, a member of AESE’s Board of Directors, Director of the Advanced Program in Health Management, and an executive coach.

He graduated from the University of Porto with a degree in medicine, gained an MBA at AESE, and then a PhD in Human, Social and Legal Sciences at UIC-Barcelona.

What are the learning methods?

The Programme combines the

Professor-led sessions will be followed by a peer-coaching process.

The Leadership Challenge - a unique feature of this programme

In addition to the knowledge acquired from the professors and guest business speakers, and from one another during the modules, this programme allows the participants to put this into immediate use through the Executive Challenge. 

It works like this: each participant brings to the table a live leadership challenge they have, and tries to find a solution with the help of other participants and of a facilitator from the Lismullin Leadership Programme. This takes place in an encouraging and trusting environment, where confidentiality is ensured. Each team is made up of 5 participants and they engage in what is called peer-coaching. 

Over the first 5 modules, participants are encouraged and helped to identify and detail their particular challenge, which they might categorise as something that keeps them awake at night. 

The last module in April is devoted entirely to these executive challenges, spending the whole day in small teams reflecting on the respective challenges, benefitting from the knowledge and experience of the others in the team, who provide their feedback. 

If the members of a team wish to do so, they continue to work together over subsequent months with the help of the facilitator. 

This method of sharing challenges and receiving suggestions and support has proved to be of great value in executive education, as outlined in this 2-minute video from IESE Business School.

Certificate and guidelines

A certificate plaque from the Lismullin Institute will be granted to those who attend all 6 modules and take part in the executive challenge and peer-coaching.

Continuous Professional Development: many who attended these courses at Lismullin found that they helped towards satisfying their CPD requirements

The Chatham House Rule applies: participants are free to use the information received, but not reveal who made any particular comment; this is to help increase open discussion. 

A focus on the importance of behaving in an ethical way has been at the core of the Lismullin Leadership activities since the beginning. A practical guideline used has been that formulated by Edward Freeman of the University of Virginia: “The Rule of Ben, Emma and Molly (his three children): Can I explain to them what I’ve done today, so that they might feel proud of their father?

How to Apply

The number of places on the course is limited to 28. Early application is advised.

The closing date is Friday 20 September 2024. Applicants should write to leadership@lismullin.ie, giving a brief outline of current responsibilities and indicating the reasons why they wish to attend.

The organisers of the programme are happy to answer any questions. Following brief conversations online, places will be offered.


€3,500 per person which includes all work materials, meals and refreshments. The rate for a company sponsoring two people is €6,000.
Some Republic of Ireland companies with employees on the 2023-24 programme successfully availed of grants from Skillnet Ireland to help cover the fees.

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Testimonials from the 2023-24 programme

To gain an insight into the impact of the programme, the following brief videos with some who attended the 2022-23 programme may be of interest: